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Read the Key Investor Information Sheet (KIIS) to assess the risk/reward of the investment.
Make the investment
Fund your account and purchase your chosen deal within the CrowdX platform.
Cooling off period
You have four (4) working days to cancel the investment, no questions asked, if you think you made a mistake.
Deal Finalization
Your investment will be finalised and your investment will appear on your dashboard.
Money transferred to the issuer
The investment you made will be transferred to the issuer so they can use the funds as agreed in the KIIS.
Individuals and companies can become investors by completing a short registration form and activating the investor account by depositing initial funds. Keep in mind that you must be at least 18 years old, and that we only accept deposits from credit, payment or electronic money institutions within the European Union.
01. KIIS
Read the Key Investor Information Sheet (KIIS) to assess the risk/reward of the investment.
02. Make the investment
Fund your account and purchase your chosen deal within the CrowdX platform.
03. Cooling off period
You have four (4) working days to cancel the investment, no questions asked, if you think you made a mistake.
04. Deal finalization
Your investment will be finalised and your investment will appear on your dashboard.
05. Money transferred to the issuer
The investment you made will be transferred to the issuer so they can use the funds as agreed in the KISS.
Below, we have highlighted some of the questions most frequently asked by investors. If you would like to know more please visit our full Investors FAQ.
Have more questions? Please get in touch to ask anything you cant find on the website.
Press sign up to register and open an account with CrowdX. You will need to answer a very simple questionnaire and provide your ID, Proof of address and IBAN. Once you get accepted, you can send funds to CrowdX.
After you log in to CrowdX platform, you will be able to see all the deals available for investment. You will choose a deal in which you are interested and fits your risk profile and select amount to invest.
After you log in to CrowdX platform, you will be able to see all the deals available for investment. You will choose a deal in which you are interested and fits your risk profile and select amount to invest.
CrowdX is a trading name of Eurivex Ltd. Eurivex Ltd is an EU Investment Firm authorized and regulated since 2010 by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license number 114/10 for the provision of investment services. Eurivex is also licensed as an EU Crowdfunding Service Provider (license number CSP 2/24). The company’s headquarters are located in Nicosia, Cyprus. Eurivex provides crowdfunding, investment and ancillary services to residents of the European Economic Area (EEA).
Risk Warning: Investing carries risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. Please read our risk warning before investing.
Risk Warning: Investing carries risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. Please read our risk warning before investing.